24 in 2024 Program
Check out this spiritual initiative we did as a church in 2024. Though this event has passed, the resources we used are still applicable! If you'd like to start your own quiet time journey this year, feel free to use the resources at the bottom of this page. Blessings on your journey!
24 in 2024: A churchwide journey in spiritual growth and transformation.
Learn to listen more to God and deepen your relationship with our Lord and Savior. Start with adding just 2 minutes of quiet time each month and gradually increase it throughout the year. That’s 24 minutes each day by the end of the year! Experience the joy and peace that comes from spending time with God in prayer and meditation.
What is 24 in 2024?
It is a way for you to add time in your day to listen and spend more time with God. (And be encouraged along the way by members of your church family going on the same journey!)
How much time does it take?
2 minutes each day. If you normally spend 10 minutes in prayer/devotion/Bible reading in January, you will spend 12 minutes. (If you add 2 more minutes each month, by the end of 2024 you will have added 24 more minutes to your quiet time each day!)